Lucky Star Cavalier Rescue
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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel : : Female : : Adult
Honey is exactly that - sweet as can bee! She is a 16 lb., 6 yr old mill mama that is full of love and hope. She was shy at first and gradually her lovely personality has emerged. She loves to be held and cuddled and gives you that heart melting stare that says volumes. She is very good around the other dogs in her foster home as well as the cats. She is quite independent and likes to relax on a soft dog bed, in her crate with the door open and on the couch and big bed. She is working on mastering going down the 3 stairs to go outside. She has learned to go up and use doggy stairs to get on the couch. She is doing great with house training now but the first couple weeks when the weather, ice and snow and wind was so bad she did not want to go outside. I haven’t heard her bark but the other dogs do it for her! She is very good in the car and has enjoyed her outings so far. She is learning to walk on the leash. She scampers around the yard now that the ice and snow are gone and stays close by me or the waits at the door to go back in. She enjoys eating her food slowly in her crate, chewing each kibble politely.
Honey is vaccinated, heart worm negative, and spayed. She has a grade 3/6 heart murmur and has been evaluated by a vet cardiologist. Her echocardiogram indicates good heart function in spite of Mitral Valve Disease. She is on medication to slow progression and will need follow up with a cardiology vet in 9-12 months. The current medications cost less than $10 per month. She needed antibiotics for 2 infected paw pads that have healed well. Honey is a happy girl who wags her tail in delight when given attention.
Honey would be fine in a home with older respectful children, with other dogs or as someone’s only dog and loving companion. She would be happiest to have people around most of the time. She also has chosen a couple toys to put in her bed with her. She doesn’t chew them just considers them her friends. She watches the other dogs chase the ball and frisbee outside and runs along but is not competitive. She is a wonderful example of the Cavalier disposition and is also adorable! A fenced, secure yard is strongly preferred.
If you are interested in giving Honey the wonderful home she deserves and can commit to the ongoing medical needs she has please complete an adoption application then contact Mary Coyne, of your interest.
Other Pictures of MI - Honey (click to see larger version):